Are you a Good Candidate for LASIK?

LASIK is a procedure that can eliminate or reduce your dependence on corrective lenses. Dr. Trujillo at San Antonio can talk to you about the benefits of LASIK and determine if you are a good candidate for the surgery. LASIK can help you feel more confidence, especially if you are able to get rid of the need for glasses. When you have been wearing glasses most of your life and you are tired of how they look, it's time to consider your options.

What is LASIK?

LASIK is laser refractive surgery that changes the shape of your lens to correct your vision. This is a day surgery, and complications are rare. Your vision may be noticeably better right away and continue to improve for the next few weeks.

Who Is a Good LASIK Candidate?

You are a good candidate for LASIK if your eyes are generally healthy, and you don't have any abnormal vision problems going on. LASIK corrects the shape of your lens so that you can see better. If you are interested in improving your vision through LASIK, it's time to talk with Dr. Fernando Trujillo who can explain the process to you.

Who Is a Bad LASIK Candidate?

If you have a progressive eye disease, diabetes, or you are otherwise in poor health, LASIK is not a good idea for you. If you suffer from dry eyes, LASIK surgery can make this worse. Talk with your eye doctor about your dry eyes and whether they will be prohibitive to getting LASIK surgery.

Contact Vision 3C Specialists Today

To learn more about LASIK from your San Antonio Ophthalmologist Dr. Fernando Trujillo at Vision 3C Specialists, call one of our offices in San Antonio or Floresville.