Vision 3C Specialists Discusses Dry Eye

If your eyes itch, burn or sting continuously for no apparent reason, you may be suffering from dry eye. Dry eye is a condition where your eyes don’t produce enough quality tears to keep them lubricated and moist. Lack of moisture can cause irritating dry eye symptoms. By conducting an eye exam, a San Antonio ophthalmologist from Vision 3C Specialists can determine if you have this condition.

Dry Eye Symptoms

Dry eye symptoms can vary depending on whether you have a mild or severe case. In general, however, you may experience itchy, burning eyes, eye fatigue, dryness, soreness, redness, sensitivity to light or blurred vision. You may also feel like something’s in your eye obstructing your vision.

Sometimes the condition makes your eyes produce watery tears to compensate for the dryness. These “reflex tears," however, aren’t quality enough to relieve dry eye symptoms. Dry eye can impair your vision, making it difficult to drive, read, watch TV or partake of other activities. In severe cases, it can cause permanent damage to your vision. If symptoms persist, see a San Antonio eye doctor for help in getting relief.

What Causes Dry Eye?

Quality tears are essential to eye health and vision. Tears keep your eyes moist and wash away dust and debris that can damage your eyes and impair your vision. If something alters tear production or composition, you can develop dry eye syndrome. Here are some factors that can affect the production and quality of your tears:

  • Continuous computer use reduces blinking; blinking helps produce tears.
  • Aging (your eyes produce fewer tears as you age)
  • Eye irritants in your home or outdoor environment (AC, heater, dust, fumes, pollen, etc.)
  • Hormonal changes caused by pregnancy and menopause in women
  • Smoking
  • Certain health conditions and medications

If dry eye is caused by medications or lifestyle habits, changing these could reduce or eliminate the symptoms. Otherwise, our eye doctor may recommend using OTC teardrops or prescription medication to manage dry eye symptoms.

Schedule an Eye Exam At Vision 3C Specialists Today!

To schedule an eye exam or consult with an ophthalmologist from Vision 3C Specialists in San Antonio, call 210-538-2020.