Tips for Better Eye Health from Our Eye Doctor in San Antonio

Making sure your eyes stay healthy is an important part of protecting your vision from impairment or loss. There are several things you can do to keep your eyes in good health and our eye doctor in San Antonio at 3C Vision Specialist offers the following advice.

Eat the Right Nutrients

Certain nutrients help protect your eyes from vision problems, such as age-related macular degeneration. Make sure that your diet includes plenty of foods that are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, omega-3 fatty acids and zinc, which are all nutrients that play an important role in maintaining healthy eyes.

Have Routine Exams with Our San Antonio Eye Doctor

Scheduling eye and vision exams once a year or every other year is another crucial part of keeping your eyes in good health. These exams provide our San Antonio eye doctor with a way to check your eyes for disease or signs of any other problems that could affect your vision. In some cases, these problems can be prevented with prompt management or treatment.

Be Familiar with Your Family History

Certain eye diseases have a genetic factor, which can make you more likely to develop them. Look into your family history when it comes to eye problems and diseases, and let our ophthalmologist in San Antonio know if any of these run in your family. If you have a higher risk of any diseases, you can focus on detecting them early.

Reduce Eye Strain

Staring at screens for many hours per day can put a lot of strain on your eyes, which can affect your vision and cause headaches and other problems. Make a habit of looking away from your phone, computer, tablet or another screen periodically, which helps reduce strain. You should look away about every 20 minutes or so.

Contact Our San Antonio Ophthalmologist

If you need eye and vision exams or other eye care services, contact 3C Vision Specialist to make an appointment. Our San Antonio ophthalmologist can provide you with care to maintain healthy eyes.