Hard to Fit Contacts vs Regular Contacts

Vision 3C Specialists are a team of ophthalmologists and associated professionals in San Antonio and Floresville, and we are dedicated to serving the eye care needs of our community. As optical professionals, we help the people of our community with maintaining the health of their eyes through their entire lives. We have sometimes discovered that some people will have difficulty wearing contact lenses. There are a few specific eye conditions that can make contact lenses less effective or less comfortable than glasses.

What Kind of Conditions Can Cause Difficulty with Contact Lenses

It is common for some people to have trouble wearing contact lenses. To understand why it is best to consider the nature of the eye. The eye is an optical instrument that uses the principle of the lens to concentrate and clarify the light that we see. Most vision problems are caused by, minor aberrations and irregularities in the shape of the eye. These minuscule deformities are precisely what contact lenses are meant to correct. "Normal" contact lenses correct for myopia (nearsightedness), which is one type of slight deformity in the shape of the eye. Other conditions such as keratoconus, the ophthalmological term for irregular disturbances on the surface of the cornea, are also corrected in a similar way. The more complex and irregular the surface of the natural eye, the more difficult it can be to find a contact lens that fits perfectly while allowing the eye to "breathe". This is why some eye conditions can be harder to fit for contact lenses than others.

Difficult Conditions for Contact Lenses

  • Astigmatism
  • Post-LASIK surgery
  • Dry Eyes
  • Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GCP)
  • Pellucid Marginal Degeneration
  • Presbyopia (reduced near vision common in individuals aged 40 and over)
  • Extensive scarring of the cornea
  • Keratoconus

Those are only a few of many other possibilities that can make the difference between regular contacts versus hard to fit contacts. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to wear contact lenses, it can still be quite possible. In fact, some people even wear two pairs of contact lenses at once, maintaining their eye comfort and achieving the greatest visual acuity possible.

How Can We Help?

At Vision 3C Specialists, we maintain a robust team of accredited eye health professionals. We have an ophthalmologist, an eye surgeon, and an eye doctor on call, so we can help the most serious problems at any time. Our expertise does not stop there! Our full-spectrum approach to eye health means that we can help you through every stage of your journey, finding the right contact lenses for you when you need them. To contact our office, please call (210) 538-2020.